Healthy diet plan for weight loss


Food items and menu card

During preparation for boxing our Seargent used to cover us with blankets and we were told to have rollovers during the day time to get sweat and consequently reduce weight to come in the lower weight category for boxing. This practice was very difficult to follow. One of my friends reduced his weight by following a weight reduction programme to a good extent and looked very smart. This continued for few months. However when I met him again, he had gained sufficient weight. It's difficult to bring weight to the original position by artificial means as one can not suffer from hunger while his colleagues and family members are enjoying different meals. In this blog, I have emphasized following a healthy diet plan so as to avoid salad and potatoes only at a later stage.

A healthy diet nourishes a healthy mind. Nowadays due to hectic daily routines, there is no such focus on diet plans and nutritious dietary intake. Office-going individuals just eat lunch from the cafeterias mostly oily fried food and soft drinks and even school-going children just have canteen food because parents don’t really focus on sending them with a homemade lunch box. It is highly injurious to one’s health because not only are these empty calories but because of the low-quality oil and low-quality hygiene measures, these’re a serious health hazard, cause increased cholesterol levels and blood pressure, may lead to diabetes and heart attack in severe prolonged foul diet and medical negligence.

In addition to that, people prefer to sit idle rather than working out. There is no concept of daily workout or gym or even a good walk/running session. This means that we’re not only overeating food that holds no nutritional value, but also we are making our lifestyle sluggish which won’t allow us to burn the calories and maintain a healthy average weight desired by BMI(Body mass index) Standards.

Good habits start from childhood so parents really need to make their children develop a taste for homemade food that’s both hygienic and healthy. If you get addicted to ordering food and eating out, a comeback is hard.


1. Weight loss is not a one-day week or even month-long activity. It’s a whole process that requires months to years depending on your weight.

2. Professional nutritionists ask us to focus on increasing protein intake and also include healthy carbs because they fuel our bodies and aid in maintaining function. Oily fried and store-bought food should be avoided.

3. One of the biggest factors in weight gain is sugar intake, which is why every other person is at risk of diabetes. Processed sugar and refined foods should be reduced to very occasional intake because they hold no health value and only harm the body. Sugar levels should be controlled. Cold drinks, biscuits, candies etc should be avoided.

4. Workout plans should be devised with the help of a professional so that you can achieve your weight goals in a healthy way without overburdening your body and starving yourself. Water weight, muscle mass etc are some terms that need not to be confused with weight / fat loss. Professional expertise is required in this regard.

5. One good tip is to take a minimum of 8 glasses of water daily, preferably a little warm water.

6. Water and Fruit should be taken before meals.

7. A Good proverb to remember  Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper.

8. The latest one is “Eat your breakfast, share your lunch with a friend, and give your dinner to your enemy.”

9. Including yogurt in your diet regularly can boost your body's ability to burn fat, speed up your metabolism, and help you lose weight.

10. Consistency is the key. Mindset and determination is important. It’s a golden principle that 80% diet and 20% exercise leads to weight loss.

11. Get sufficient sleep during night hours.

12. There are many guidelines and rules for maintaining a balanced weight, Key lies in consistency in implementation.

Happy Living.


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Amjad Satti. said…
Very informative and practical stuff. Our religious teaching also emphasis on eating healthy and less, keep us fit fine.
Shahid Ali said…
Very insightful research presented in simple form. 👏
amjad said…
Dear Thanks for your encouraging words.
Zaid M. Abuzaid said…
A healthy diet nourishes a healthy mind.
Fruitful blog and full of useful information to avoid illness and problems of weight.

Well done.