Social Media Optimization


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It often happens with me that I am searching for Time management, I open up a video at YouTube, at the start of YouTube there is the ad of new AI tools, I skip that after 5 seconds, then there is 2nd  ad of a web hosting company with Blessed Friday offers, the packages are attractive and start watching the add, then go to related website and forget about the original task of Time Management search, and come back to desired video or site after 15 minutes or so. There are many types of distractions. It happens to us many times, sometimes we get to a side by hard talk between WhatsApp group members,  X trend posts, Facebook reels or TikTok videos and waste a lot of precious time.

Social Media Optimization


 Geeks in a race of Gigs and clicks transcend from the physical to the digital world.

Our online teachers are more focused on getting more subscribers, videos running time, likes and comments and few show even fake earnings to attract more views.

Precious time of students and staff on duty is wasted on undesired surfing which results in anxiety and late submission of assignments or tasks assigned by seniors in office work.

Everyone is seen stitched to mobile phones, may it be at home, office, driving , gym or a walk. Every one wants to remain updated always, however its better if we we use 55/5 minutes rule, which means We can get keep doing our work or studies for 55 minutes , then for 5 minutes,we can get updated news through headlines, trending or hashtag etc. As Einstein is quoted as having said, “If I had an hour to solve a problem I'd spend 55 minutes thinking about the problem and five minutes thinking about solutions. Use the internet for solutions only. The eyesight and posture of youngsters have been affected due to long sitting hours.

Students these days struggle with focussing on their academics a lot and every counsellor suggests “lock your phone” or “give your phone to your parents” or “de-activate your social media” because truly it becomes an addiction. We need to understand that some things are only meant for leisure and entertainment purposes and not to be prioritized over family and career. Youngsters have 10 hours plus screen time on average and it is a very alarming situation.

Social media is a place where you can gain knowledge and even make it a source of earning or if you misuse it you can also land yourself in trouble. There are bloggers and influencers who have made social media their livelihood and earning in millions. But again it is not healthy to run for fame and money to an extent it destroys your mental health, and family life and makes you compromise on your morals.

Screen time should be reduced, and unnecessary information should be avoided.

We have seen even small kids wearing glasses.

Usage can be optimized if more time is given to learning and skill development than entertainment apps, movies, and songs. We do know that songs and movies are also a source of earning and actors/singers are very rich and successful but again, it is not ideal to run after shortcuts for success and fame via social media. It is usually called a one-hit wonder or concept of going “viral” and people do all sorts of things just to get money and fame. Educating against the misuse of social media is important. 


Here are a few guidelines:-

Use alerts, lists, and other tools to stay in the loop and not continuously on watch.

Set your goals and timelines and adhere to your schedule.

Avoid playing games for long hours.

Discover the best posting time.

Understand your audience and reply to comments in accordance with community policies.

For a rough rule.

On Instagram, post between 3 times per week.

On Facebook, one post a day.

On Twitter, one post a day.

On LinkedIn, one post a day.

Inform your family members and colleagues to call you in case of emergency.

Social media optimization (SMO) is a special feature that helps business owners, content creators, and social media marketers get the most out of their social media presence. It's time to make use of these gadgets in the best possible way.


Happy Surfing.


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