A Guide to 2-Step Verification


A girl with mobile


A few weeks back while I was in an area where mobile signals were weak, I could not get a verification code via mobile sim, Then on the advice of a friend I used Google Authenticator, and could create my Amazon Affiliate account.

Whether you are operating your bank account online, or trying to make a Social Media account, Official portal or tax information, there is always a minimum two steps verification i.e. via mobile number and e-mail, to confirm the credentials within a limited time.

In today's AI and digital age, where our lives are increasingly tangled with the online world, ensuring the security of our personal and sensitive information is of vital importance. Cyber threats and attacks are on the rise, making it essential for individuals to adopt vigorous security measures. One such powerful tool in the cybersecurity protocols is 2-Step Verification.


What is 2-Step Verification?


2-Step Verification, also known as two-factor authentication (2FA) or multi-factor authentication (MFA), is an extra layer of security intended to ensure that people trying to gain access to an account are “who they say they are”. It adds a second step to the traditional e mail username and password method, making it significantly more challenging for unauthorized individuals to access your accounts. Thus making your account more secure.


 How Does 2-Step Verification Work?


The basic idea behind 2-Step Verification is to require two different forms of identification before conceding access to an account. The three common factors used in 2-step Verification are:


1.    Something You Know:

This is typically your password, a piece of information that only you should know. Passwords should contain capitals, small alphabet, and digits. These should be kept in your personal diary as well. Passwords and PINs should never be shared with others and frequently changed.


few mobile gadgets

   2. Something You Have:

This comprises a physical device that you possess, such as a smartphone,     security token, or smart card. QR codes, Security Questions, and Captcha are also additional measures.


   3. Something You Are :

This includes biometric data like fingerprints, retinal scans, or facial recognition. Fingerprints are unique to each individual in the world.

By combining at least two of these factors, 2-step Verification significantly strengthens the security of your accounts.

Advantages of 2-Step Verification:


1.    Enhanced Security:

 Adding an extra layer of verification makes it much more difficult for cybercriminals to gain unauthorized access to your accounts. Because once your data is stolen it is difficult to recover. Additionally, you have to provide your personal information to police and investigation agencies.


A QR Code with few instructions
QR Code

2.    Protection Against Password Theft:

 Even if someone manages to obtain your password, they would still need the second factor (something you have or are) to access your account. This is like having CCTV cameras in addition to Security guards and an electric fence at the boundary of your house.

3.    Reduced Risk of Unauthorized Access:

 With 2-Step Verification, even if your password is compromised, your account remains secure unless the attacker also has access to the second factor.


How to Set Up 2-Step Verification:


1.           1. Select a Reliable Authentication App:

     Choose a reputable authentication app like Google Authenticator, Authy, or Microsoft     Authenticator to generate time-sensitive codes.


Google authenticator mage
Google Authenticator

2.               2.    Enable Text Message Verification:

     Some services offer 2-step Verification via text messages. However, this method may be less secure than using an authentication app.

     3. Biometric Verification: If available, consider enabling biometric factors such as fingerprint or face recognition for an added layer of security.


Best Practices for Using 2-Step Verification:


1.    Use 2-Step Verification Everywhere:

 Whenever possible, enable 2-Step Verification for all your online accounts, including email, social media, and banking. This will take some additional time but it will be worth it.


2.    Regularly Update Authentication Settings:

 Keep your authentication methods up to date. If you change your phone or use a new device, ensure that 2-Step Verification is properly configured. Whenever you change your device it's suggested to change your passwords as well.


3.    Backup Codes:

 Many services provide backup codes that you can use if you're unable to access your primary 2-step Verification method. Keep these codes in a secure location. It's better to write it down on a notepad and keep at a safe place to lower the chances of you forgetting the password again. Emails with usernames be written, lest you forget it.




In an era where online security is a top priority, 2-step Verification stands as a decisive line of defense against unauthorized access. By implementing this additional layer of security, individuals can safeguard their personal and sensitive information, reducing the risk of falling victim to cyber threats. Take the time to enable 2-step Verification on all your accounts today and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing your digital identity is well-protected.

Happy Surfing.

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Minahil said…
Very informative 👌
Kuresh said…
In todays world our life on web is vulnerable. This article is an effort to direct our thought vectors to the security of our ID in cyber realm
Nasser said…
In recent times there have been efforts by scammers to steal personal details of simple people, normally we don't read detailed instructions while agreeing to online sign ups. Security instructions issued should be read carefully to avoid Scammers online and through telephone calls.
Salman said…
Informative and helpful..highly recommended
Muhammad Yousaf said…
Amazing information. really helpful for today's era. be blessed ever with your family 🙏❤️ sir
Muhammad Yousaf said…
I will recommend it strongly