Mnemonics Techniques


Different Mnemonics  Techniques



Mnemonic techniques are ways to help you memorize a phrase or idea with patterns. Mnemonic techniques can include songs, poems, rhymes, outlines, images, and acronyms. Mnemonic devices were cultivated by Greek sophists and philosophers and are frequently referred to by Plato and Aristotle. In this blog, we will explore the mesmerizing world of mnemonics and how these techniques can boost memory and learning.

Examples from Daily Life:

Ever wonder when you reach your hometown after a long time, suddenly you remember the names of your neighbors and childhood friends?

I remember I bought an Urdu book in 1987 by post from Karachi. The Name of the book was “How to Succeed in Examination” and different techniques were given in that book. Since the book has been lost due to frequent shifting of luggage due to service requirements, I still remember the salient features of the book.  The techniques mentioned in the book were about:-

       Reading the lesson

       Revising the lesson

       Assimilation of the lesson

       Making a mind image of the lesson read, and then writing it down without seeing the book.

This book helped me a lot and I got good marks in my matric (Secondary School Certificate) with a Scholarship.

The best way was to imagine complete pages and I still remember some lessons about the elements table, the water cycle, Darwin's theory, a few theorems like Pythagoras the Scientific name of frog Rana Tigrina and the fourteen points of Quaid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, etc  

Javed Chaudry, a well-known Pakistani Columnist who can remember up to half of the book, in his recent column also mentioned his good memory as a blessing of Allah.

HenryKissinger, who died in the last week of November this year, had a good memory and even wrote on the last day of his life at 100 years. He wrote many books like World Order, On China and co-authored The Age of AI and Our Human Future.

SMZafar, a Great Pakistani lawyer, also had a Photographic memory. He wrote many books in Urdu and English. One of his famous books is “Understanding Statutes”. The brain remembers images better than words.

I have been using the Mindtools website for many years and it explains memory techniques with diagrams that are easy to remember.

 One method to remember names is to start recalling names from A,B,C onwards, you will hit the desired name soon. Remembering the names of the months in poem form. Colors of the rainbow by making keywords taking the first letter of each word. The keywords should be easy to remember and should resemble to something already known.

These memory aids transform complex or abstract information into more easily digestible formats, making it simpler for the brain to store and retrieve.

Mnemonics  Techniques knuckle method
(Knuckle technique)

Mnemonics Techniques:

1. Acronyms and Acrostics:

Acronyms involve creating a word or phrase where each letter represents a piece of information. For example "Big Elephants Can not Always Understand Small Elephants" (can be spelled in the word "Because").


2. Rhymes and Songs:

    Creating rhymes or songs can turn dull information into catchy tunes, making it easier to remember. The sing-song rhythm enhances memorization, and many people find it fun and engaging. Like in our Schools, we used to remember tables.

3. Chunking:

    Chunking involves breaking down large amounts of information into smaller, manageable parts or "chunks." For instance, remembering a phone number as three sets of numbers (e.g., 123-456-7890) is easier than trying to remember each digit individually.

4. Loci Method (Memory Palace):

   This technique involves associating each piece of information with a specific location in a familiar setting, like your home or a well-known landmark. As you mentally walk through these locations, you can repossess the associated information.

5. Visualization:

   Creating bright mental images related to the information you want to remember enhances recall. The more peculiar or amusing the image, the more likely you are to remember it.


6. Keyword Method:

   This technique involves selecting a keyword related to the information you want to remember and creating associations between the keyword and the details. This is particularly useful for learning new languages.

Mnemonics  Techniques around a person sitting
(AI-Generated Image)

Benefits of Mnemonics Techniques:

1. Enhanced Memory Retention:

    Mnemonics capitalize on the brain's preference for associating information with images or patterns, leading to improved retention and recall.

2. Increased Engagement and Motivation:

Mnemonics can make the learning process more enjoyable and engaging, motivating individuals to actively participate in their learning journey.


3. Applicability Across Various Fields:

   Mnemonics are versatile and can be applied to almost any type of information, from historical dates to scientific facts and foreign language vocabulary.

4. Time-Efficient Learning:

   By simplifying complex information, mnemonics enable individuals to learn more efficiently, saving time and effort in the process.


In this world of AI and the Internet filled with a constant flow of information, mastering memory through mnemonic techniques is a valuable skill. Whether you're a student of CSS/PMS, MDCAT, or ISSB preparing for competitive exams, a skilled striving for the highest performance, or someone seeking intellectual enhancement, mnemonics techniques offer a multipurpose and effective approach to remembering and recalling information., You can unlock the full potential of your memory by the power of mnemonics.

 Happy Reading.


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Minahil said…
Very informative 🤩
Nasser said…
The mnemonic techniques have been used for a long time in different parts of the world, These techniques are helpful for students and professionals. The memory increases as you use it. Good effort, I hope to see more on this topic.
Shahid Ali said…
Very informative and useful information
H.A.Ahmed said…
Nicely one dear Sir
amjad said…
Dear all thanks for your valuable input